Same Site…New Look!

Updated: April 24th 2018

It’s taken us a bit longer than we would have liked, but we are now rolling out an updated site.  Most of the functionality of the site is the same or similar to what it was before, just with a vastly new look.  Along with this new look, you should see more responsive pages when viewing on mobile devices as well as better overall performance on some pages (and it shouldn’t be any worse on the others).  I’ll highlight a few of the bigger changes we’ve made with this update:

League Nav

The first thing you’ll probably notice is the new league navigation.  Gone are those static sub navigation items that were always near the top of the page.  They are no longer ingrained into the content of the page, but rather appear as part of the navigation menu and appear/disappear as you hover over other options.

As we’ve grown, more and more of our users are now belonging to more than one RSO league, so we’ve made it easier on those of you.  The same navigation that you’ve had for the past year on the external pages to enter your league now appears internally as well so you can quickly navigate between leagues when needed.


Unfortunately with the new navigation, we needed to cut down the number of sub navigation items and so we’ve combined the old Owners, Rosters, and Ledger pages which will all be under the new ‘Owners’ item.  They are still there, but if you’re going to the Roster or Ledger page it’s going to take one more click than it used to.

League Home

If you didn’t notice the navigation first, you’ll sure notice the new league home page.  Admittedly, functionally this is more or less the same page that it was, but we have moved a few things around and it will be your first look at how all the pages will be laid out.  The NFL schedule now appears in a slider at the top of the page.  The transactions have been moved from the larger content area to the side area under the weekly fantasy matchups.  Also a few other small touchups but you can discover those for yourself.  We did remove one section from the home page and that’s the Messages.  We didn’t feel like having the messages on the home page brought enough value especially given that you couldn’t even read the full contents of the message.  We do however have some good news for those of you that do regularly use the messaging feature…


This has my vote for most improved experience on the site.  What we had before was rather clunky and honestly I thought was a bit of a pain to use.  Now everything is all on one page and is hopefully a more familiar layout to what you’re used to.  We’ve also added the ability to see who the messages are to since we know that in the past it wasn’t easy (or impossible) to distinguish public vs private messages.  Also now moved to this page is the ability to toggle whether the league chat window appears or not.

Other Improvements

There’s plenty of other smaller improvements that we’ve made, most of which I’ll let you discover on your own but here’s a few quick items:

  • Can now filter by position on the Contracts Overview page (which is also now exclusively under the Player navigation rather than also under Team)
  • The few total point leagues out there should have a better experience on a few pages (Home and History mostly)
  • Other bug fixes and error hadnling so you shouldn’t see that dreaded error/oops page nearly as often

Other FYIs

If you have them, bookmarks to league pages from before this update will no longer work (they’ll take you to the site home rather than your league).  You’ll need to re-bookmark the league page(s).

We’ve tested the new site on all the latest verisons of the major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge) so those are all supported.  We also tried it on IE 10 and 11 as well and it should be fine on those browsers outside of a couple very minor cosmetic issues.  If you’re using anything before IE 10 then you’re on your own.

Also, it’s a large site and it’s possible that we could have missed something.  If you see something that isn’t behaving as you believe it should or if you see anything that looks off, screenshot it and send it to and we’ll take a look at it.

What’s next

Draft season is upon us, so we’ll be busy with the new rookies.  Over the next month or so we’ll also be looking to add SSL to the site, add 1st downs as a scoring option, as well as other smaller items.

Follow me on twitter @RSOKyleEnglish for the latest RSO technical updates or any quick technical questions you may have.

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